Sunday, February 2, 2014

Reddit & Community

The internet today consists of options. Options, options options options……….literally millions of options to how one wishes to view his or her own sources of news, multimedia, entertainment, pop culture, sports, scientific information……..the list goes on. I'm here to recommend one, measly option in this vast web of resources known as reddit. Literally meaning "I read it" or "already read it", the site brings to the forefront the most popular posts, topics, photos, videos and opinions streaming the web via it's users. I use the word popular here for a reason given the fact that reddit users engage in their own civic duties of voting on what they find to be popular or relevant at the time. This group of users form an online community that recognize what is important/funny/entertaining in society, and gives them specific categories or "subreddits" that appeal to each individual user. To expand on how reddit is utilized I have included a little tutorial from youtube:

What I enjoy the most about reddit is the ability to choose what I can view, as well as vote towards what I find relevant in the internet community. Acting as the "front page of the internet", reddit gives me the resources and tools to navigate the wide variety of multimedia sources available at my fingertips, as well as individual power. This approach to deciding which posts should show up on my bulletin board, rather than a newsfeed showing anything and everything, allows me to individualize my search for news, entertainment, and knowledge within the web. It is this ability that I enjoy the most because it has the possibility to connect me with a news-oriented community that is easy to use and encouraging to participate within.

This kid encourages reddit to those who wish to empower their searches. And since it's open to everyone, I suggest you become a user to determine what you wish to view and deem what is important to you!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a fascinating site, and I like the way you present Redditas a way to manage options. This introduces a number of ideas we will be talking about with the Google section, such as curation of knowledge. What is important for this project is the ways that community arises in this process of curating. Perhaps the primary goal of Reddit is not community (at least in the way that Facebook thinks of this), but rather a group of curators who happen to become a community in the process.. and so how does the site deal with/encourage this secondary form of community?
