Friday, January 17, 2014

Whole Earth and The Self: Becoming One

Although it is hard to read given the size of the text, a certain product within these pages of a previously-issued Whole Earth Catalog is a book entitled Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth. Going along with the notion the Whole Earth Catalog gives it's readers (as well as the product description on since my eyes can't read the print), Changing the Earth describes how man has become the dominant species on the planet and has harnessed numerous tools in order to complete his conquest. 

How does the concept of altering nature to how man sees fit, as well as the inevitable consequences, relate to "the self" and the understanding of human nature? I interpret the connection as "knowing the world around you (and ultimately shaping it to your image) will bring you closer to knowing your true self". The Whole Earth Catalog gives one the tools to understanding and becoming intimate with the world around you, similar to how the techniques of Zen taught by Suzuki give one the tools to understand how becomes intimate and understanding one's self in nature, for example the bird. Man sees himself in nature and through certain tools, he can access his "inner self" through multiple ways, in this case either altering his surroundings or enlightening himself with deep thinking. It depends on the tools, but the end goal remains the same: understanding and intimacy. 

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